Photo by Carlo Prelz
- Regular work
- Professor of School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University
- I'm interested in Interactive Media, Human-Computer interaction, information visualization, realtime image processing and entertainment computing.
- Side work
- Visual Jockey, visual art work, open source software development, etc. They are derived from my research activities.
See research activities page for the details.
- Interactive tabletop system
- Interaction techniques for display wall
- Laser Trail Tracker: Laser pointer tracking system with special emphasis on a shape of a laser trail
- Interaction system with SmartSkin
- EffecTV: An entertainment application of realtime video image processing
- Web Community Browser: Visualization and Browsing of Web Community
- Multiple Pointing Input System
- EffecTV
- Short-short programs
- USB rotary channel changer
- libqrencode
- oscsend and oscdump
- Laser Trail Tracker
- Lyq: Leak Your Query
- Spherical Vision Hacks
- Tangled Tails
- Coming Out Simulator (Japanese Translation)
- JumpLab