TENORI-ON is one of the coolest electric musical device: it is portable, easy to play and good for audio-visual performance. But I have not purchased it yet because it is expensive and a shortage in Japan.
That is the reason why I made an unplugged version of TENORI-ON, or "TENORI-OFF".
Materials list
- Acrylic board (5mm thick)
- Vinyl pipes (4 straights and 4 corners)
- Bubble wrap
- Silver lacquer spray

Cut the acrylic board square, then surround it with silver-painted pipes. Make 5mm wide slits in corner pipes to hold the board.

You should measure and cut the board and pipes before assembling. The real TENORI-ON is 205mm square.

You can generate at most 360 sounds per sheet.
Various sound layer can be used for various sounds.

Optional lights are promising.

Future work
- Put a contact mic or vibration sensor to pick up the sound of bubbles
- Embed LEDs
Many thanks and an apology to Mr. Iwai and the YAMAHA TENORI-ON team.